Olympian Reports

Prod­uct Overview from Dara Tor­res 12 time world record hold­er.

Fatigue res­o­lu­tion report after plac­ing in the US Nation­als.

Fix Altitude Sickness by Henry’s Law

Hi, We’d like to intro­duce our friend, and ene­my, William Hen­ry, as in Hen­ry’s law. Hen­ry is why lots of folks get sick when they go cer­tain places. Ever hear of alti­tude sick­ness?

The rest of this arti­cle will describe why you get alti­tude sick­ness — and bet­ter yet how to get rid of it in about 15 min­utes with­out going home or end­ing your vaca­tion… Con­tin­ue read­ing

VO2 Max up 28% at 11 weeks

TomButlerHeadshot-VO2MaxTom But­ler com­plet­ed his 4th VO2 max test after train­ing fif­teen min­utes a day for 11 weeks. His results show rel­a­tive VO2 Max and METs increas­es of over 28%.

For non-tekkies — This is a big deal because the experts say max­i­mum gains for VO2 Max is 15–20%. Tom achieved this in under 20 hours of actu­al train­ing with ExtremeO2™.

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Extreme Oxygen Trainer — EPO/HGH Amplifier

Oxygen TrainerWhat if there was a nat­ur­al, eth­i­cal & legal way to stim­u­late bio­log­i­cal­ly effec­tive lev­els of growth hor­mones, espe­cial­ly the ones eth­ic-chal­lenged ath­letes use ille­gal­ly, like EPO, ery­thro­poi­etin AND HGH, Human Growth Hor­mone?
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VO2 max 6 week Report

VO2 max 6 week Report

VO2 max 6 week Report

Tom just fin­ished his sixth week on ExtremeO2™.


  • Weight is down 10 lbs
  • VO2 Max up 17.3%
  • Rid­ing much eas­i­er & faster
  • Sense of well being very improved in spite of finals and stress… Con­tin­ue read­ing

EO2 Tune-up / Boulder Cup

The Boul­der Cup is Sun­day Octo­ber 27.  We’ll set­up in the Team Sup­port area — with Green Moun­tain Sports — velo run­ning sev­er­al util­i­ties:

  • ExtremeO2™ Tune Ups.  Bud­get 10–15 min­utes for your warm up.  This will release lac­tic acid in your legs to improve leg-blood flow. EO2 helps you start the race as strong as you can be.
  • Mag­na­Pulse Core Charge.  This pro­to­col uses a PEMF device to opti­mize liv­er and organ func­tion. Most feel this effect as stronger recov­ery dur­ing the race.  See Cori Cycle.
  • EO2 — Super Juice.  We’re pro­to­typ­ing our sec­ond batch.  This sports drink focus­es on nutri­ents that enable cel­lu­lar oxy­gen trans­fer.

Ken­tucky Rid­er.

Remem­ber — The EO2 per­for­mance suc­cess-sto­ry that gets the most likes wins a home ExtremeO2 sys­tem — by Face­book likes.  To be fair, we’re lim­it­ing the pro­gram to a hand­ful of sto­ries — so we’ll have cam­eras ready if you want to have a go.

See you there.

My VO2 max is up 13% in 7 Days

Did you ever won­der if there was a way to tune-up your VO2max?  Well — so did we…

VO2 max

Tom’s VO2-max increased 13% this week.

Last week, about half of the run­ners we VO-tuned for the Den­ver Rock-n-Roll marathon scored per­son­al best — even after com­ing from sea lev­el.  This was excep­tion­al so we set­up an exper­i­ment… Would you like to know how it hap­pened?
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10,000 Feet Acclimatized in 18 min

Last week at the Leadville 100 mile Ultra-Marathon — we decid­ed to test ExtremeO2 as an acclima­ti­za­tion accel­er­a­tor.  Here is the report.


  • At sea lev­el day before to 10,000 ft — Leadville, CO
  • Reports — 50–60% Lung capac­i­ty before & 100% after
  • All alti­tude relat­ed dis­com­fort resolved @ 18 min­utes
  • Results per­sist­ed 48 hrs lat­er — no dis­com­fort returned

ExtremeO2 Spiffs Leadman

Today we put ExtremeO2™ to the ulti­mate test — spiff­ing ulti­mate-com­peti­tors for the harsh­est ultra-marathon in the world.

Lead­man is the offi­cial name for an ultra marathon in Leadville, CO.  Super-hard­core blow off the same-day Pikes-peak marathon, only 26 miles — as a jog in the park.  Which this year was sched­uled the same day.

The big prize here is a gold belt buck­le — for those who cov­er 100 miles in under 25 hours.

About 9 out of 10 of these folks scored 6+ on the sore leg scale.  We test­ed the com­bi­na­tion of ExtremeO2 — to clear lac­tate, and Mag­na­pulse, to address tis­sue trau­ma.   Con­tin­ue read­ing

Ukrainian Hangover Meets ExtremeO2

Ukrainian Hangover Meets ExtremeO2™

Most pilots know that oxy­gen helps a hang­over.  We just opened the first hang­over cleanup ser­vice at the Oshkosh air show.  Our first cus­tomer — with a honk­ing hang­over — describes his expe­ri­ence.

I won­der how many of his friends we’ll meet today?

Most pilots know that oxy­gen helps a hang­over.  We just opened the first hang­over cleanup ser­vice at the Oshkosh air show.  Our first cus­tomer — with a honk­ing hang­over — describes his expe­ri­ence.

Avi­a­tors — we set­up a spe­cial site for you… It re-explains hypox­ia in a way that enables you to iden­ti­fy and man­age your per­son­al sen­si­tiv­i­ty.
