This is a training or performance clear protocol. Use this protocol after your workout or after a performance to clear exertion waste and restore blood flow. This protocol usually cuts recovery time to about half on normal.
It works by clearing inflammation which retards recovery.
Protocol Goals:
- Restore blood flow to traumatized tissues to enable healing reversing inflammation triggered during training;
- Increase core system performance to reduce systemic waste accumulation to avoid over-training fatigue;
- Flush post-performance lactic acid to prevent soreness;
- Maximize body-wide dissolved oxygen to accelerate healing in connective tissue to reduce micro-trauma accumulation.
Post Performance Protocol:
- Fill the oxygen reservoir
- Connect Mask
- Warm up on the exercise equipment until you reach your target pulse rate **
- Exercise for 8 minutes at your preferred aerobic output
- Do the following steps 3 times
- Switch to high altitude and begin 30 second sprint
- First 15 seconds — high altitude then switch to high oxygen for 15 seconds
- Recover on oxygen
- Do legs feel better than before if yes? go to a
- If legs do not feel better goto 7
- Stop exertion at 12 minutes
- Continue breathing oxygen until pulse drops 100 bpm.
** If you feel tired beginning use +O2 Setting — If you feel “strong” then use ‑O2 to accelerate warm-up until your heart rate gets to your normal aerobic training level.