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Respiratory Inertia Training

High altitude sprints create oxygen stress.  The combined effects of stress oxygen deplete air, about 12%, compared to 21%, are known as hypobaric training.  Hypobaric training causes several beneficial effects — which naturally occur for people that live at high altitude:

  • Stim­u­lates devel­op­ment of lung tis­sue
  • Stim­u­lates increase in blood oxy­gen trans­port capac­i­ty with increased red blood cells;
  • Ele­vat­ed RBC counts, increase the cir­cu­lat­ing reserve of oxy­gen which helps to delay the aer­o­bic to anaer­o­bic ener­gy pro­duc­tion dur­ing burst exer­tion.
  • Oth­er opti­miza­tion occur but they are not under­stood at this time.

This pro­to­col tran­si­tions the body from rich oxy­gen to poor oxy­gen to exer­cise the tran­si­tion from aer­o­bic to anaer­o­bic, and back again.  Our expe­ri­ences indi­cates brief sprints at alti­tude also stim­u­late high alti­tude adap­tive respons­es, even though the dura­tion of high alti­tude strain is very short, usu­al­ly less than 5 min­utes in a 15 minute train­ing ses­sion.

This is the pro­to­col that has resolved sea­son fatigue with NFL play­ers.


  1. Fill the oxy­gen reser­voir (don’t con­nect oxy­gen yet)
  2. Warm up on the exer­cise equip­ment until you reach your tar­get pulse rate **
  3. Put on the mask and con­nect to the oxy­gen
  4. Mon­i­tor pulse and increase resis­tance to main­tain tar­get pulse rate
  5. Hold tar­get pulse rate for 6 min­utes on rich oxy­gen
  6. Switch to high alti­tude air, main­tain con­stant exer­tion, (pulse & strain will increase)
  7. Hold lev­el for until O2 sat­u­ra­tion reach­es 90% or down to 85%, or until you feel it’s “too much”
  8. Switch back to high oxy­gen
  9. Hold this high oxy­gen for 3 min­utes
  10. Repeat high alti­tude inter­val
  11. Fin­ish ses­sion on high oxy­gen until 15 min­utes are com­plete
  12. Con­tin­ue breath­ing oxy­gen until pulse drops below 100 bpm.


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