EO2 Tune-up / Boulder Cup

The Boul­der Cup is Sun­day Octo­ber 27.  We’ll set­up in the Team Sup­port area — with Green Moun­tain Sports — velo run­ning sev­er­al util­i­ties:

  • ExtremeO2™ Tune Ups.  Bud­get 10–15 min­utes for your warm up.  This will release lac­tic acid in your legs to improve leg-blood flow. EO2 helps you start the race as strong as you can be.
  • Mag­na­Pulse Core Charge.  This pro­to­col uses a PEMF device to opti­mize liv­er and organ func­tion. Most feel this effect as stronger recov­ery dur­ing the race.  See Cori Cycle.
  • EO2 — Super Juice.  We’re pro­to­typ­ing our sec­ond batch.  This sports drink focus­es on nutri­ents that enable cel­lu­lar oxy­gen trans­fer.

Ken­tucky Rid­er.

Remem­ber — The EO2 per­for­mance suc­cess-sto­ry that gets the most likes wins a home ExtremeO2 sys­tem — by Face­book likes.  To be fair, we’re lim­it­ing the pro­gram to a hand­ful of sto­ries — so we’ll have cam­eras ready if you want to have a go.

See you there.


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