My VO2 max is up 13% in 7 Days

Did you ever won­der if there was a way to tune-up your VO2max?  Well — so did we…

VO2 max

Tom’s VO2-max increased 13% this week.

Last week, about half of the run­ners we VO-tuned for the Den­ver Rock-n-Roll marathon scored per­son­al best — even after com­ing from sea lev­el.  This was excep­tion­al so we set­up an exper­i­ment… Would you like to know how it hap­pened?

Meet Tom, the first guinea pig — a stu­dent ath­lete, who works, and spares about 3 hours a week to moun­tain bike.  Like many, Tom’s fit­ness lev­el is the bal­ance of  time lim­it­ed exer­cise time and stress from work and school.

All of the research we found relat­ing to VO2-Max focused on the pos­i­tive effects of exer­cise — and not the neg­a­tive effects of stress.  So our goal was to design a stress-ori­ent­ed VO2-max test.  If our mod­el was right — we would improve VO2max almost with­out train­ing.  We start­ed with:

The exper­i­ment tar­get­ed the stress-detox effects.  Tom repeat­ed the ExtremeO2 Oxy­gen Detox dai­ly for 15 min­utes, with vol­un­tary increas­es in sim­u­lat­ed high alti­tude sprints.  We mea­sured his VO2 Max on Fri­day, and then 7 days lat­er.  Here were the results (raw data):

 Before  After  %
VCO2 2.80 3.19 +13.9%
METs 8.9 10.1 +13.5%
VO2 31.1 35.4 +13.8%
Max HR 185 184 -0%

Nor­mal­ly Tom would have to train sev­er­al months to increase his VO2 max by 13%.  This was about the same that we saw with the marathon and ultra-marathon run­ners we worked with a dur­ing the sum­mer — who improved their appar­ent VO2max per­for­mance with lit­tle train­ing.

Interpretation & Discussion

Man­fred von Ardenne showed that dis­solved oxy­gen in blood plas­ma is an anti-inflam­ma­to­ry.

ExtremeO2 uti­lizes a res­pi­ra­to­ry chal­lenge from sim­u­lat­ed high-alti­tude to increase res­pi­ra­to­ry tur­bu­lence, fol­lowed by a rapid switch to a rich oxy­gen mix­ture.  The instant tran­si­tion cre­ates plas­ma oxy­gen sat­u­ra­tion lev­els that reach crit­i­cal thresh­olds to reverse endothe­li­um inflam­ma­tion.  Ardenne iden­ti­fied these lev­els at about 12 cc per liter of blood.

The Oxy­gen Detox Pro­to­col, for short specif­i­cal­ly tar­gets cap­il­lary inflam­ma­tion with bursts of plas­ma dis­solved oxy­gen.  Resolved inflam­ma­tion restores the blood sup­ply to tis­sue — and allows the tis­sue to return to nor­mal aer­o­bic metab­o­lism.

Ardenne showed that stress trig­gers per­sis­tent inflam­ma­tion which locks an esca­lat­ing per­cent­age of the body, and mus­cles into anaer­o­bic metab­o­lism — espe­cial­ly with advanc­ing age.

This effect explains why stress events tend to trig­ger both degen­er­a­tion and dis­ease.  Stress caus­es inflam­ma­tion that cre­ates per­sis­tent cel­lu­lar ener­gy brown-outs through­out the body.  These areas host degen­er­a­tion and dis­ease.

Virgin Terrain

The exper­i­ment con­firms a new method to improve VO2 max, restora­tion of the untouched arte­ri­ove­nous oxy­gen dif­fer­ence, the denom­i­na­tor of the famous Fick Equa­tion.

If our hypoth­e­sis was cor­rect we would see instant and durable improve­ment cel­lu­lar oxy­gena­tion mea­sur­able as increased VO2 max.  If we were right — It would hap­pen fast — almost instant­ly — just like the results show.

The Fick Equa­tion defines VO2 max as:

Adolf Fick — devel­oped the Fick Equa­tion.

mathrm{VO_2; max} = Q(mathrm{CaO_2} - mathrm{CvO_2})

where Q is the Car­diac Out­put from the heart and lungs, and (CaO2 – CvO2) is the arte­ri­ove­nous oxy­gen dif­fer­ence.

Most ath­let­ic train­ing meth­ods exclu­sive­ly tar­get improve­ment Car­diac Out­put, Q.  These meth­ods pre­sume that arte­ri­ove­nous oxy­gen dif­fer­ence, AVD, is fixed and most­ly hered­i­tary.  Our exper­i­ment sug­gests this is untrue.

These results show that can improve rapid­ly.

More­over these exper­i­ment results sug­gest why ExtremeO2 clears leg sore­ness and fatigue.  As oxy­gen bursts flood leg mus­cles with oxy­gen, cap­il­lar­ies open.  Restored cir­cu­la­tion lets  lac­tic acid drain, and restores the oxy­gen sup­ply to mus­cles that return to aer­o­bic metab­o­lism.  Our users report that ExtremeO2 clears over­train­ing fatigue and leg sore­ness with­in about 12 min­utes.

Ardenne pub­lished an expla­na­tion of how inflam­ma­tion inter­feres with oxy­gen trans­fer to cells.  This exper­i­ment con­firms that this same mech­a­nism sim­i­lar­ly reduces VO2 max by the same mech­a­nism.  See Oxy­gen Mul­ti­step Ther­a­py — Chap­ter 1.

ExtremeO2 Reverses Stress

The exper­i­ment sug­gests that ExtremeO2 restores stress-trig­gered decrease in VO2 max.  The Ath­letes in the Leadville 100, run & moun­tain bike races raved about how much we helped their per­for­mance, we had to fig­ure out why…

For the unini­ti­at­ed — stress hurts your VO2 score by trig­ger­ing inflam­ma­tion in the inner skin of the vas­cu­lar sys­tem, which pre­vents blood from reach­ing mus­cle.  This caus­es mus­cles to down­shift to anaer­o­bic metab­o­lism.  Reduced blood flow:

  • Increas­es lac­tic acid pro­duc­tion;
  • Increas­es glu­cose-fuel deple­tion;
  • Decreas­es ener­gy avail­able from mus­cles (strength);
  • Inhibits lac­tic drainage from mus­cles (sore­ness);
  • Cre­ates fatigue as decreased oxy­gen deliv­ery reduces with sys­temic oxy­gen lev­els.
A VO2 max tests mea­sures how much oxy­gen your body uses under load, and how much CO2 you cre­ate.

A stan­dard vo2 max test


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