Season Fatigue
Season fatigue is the tendency to become tired as the season advances. This reflects the following physological pattern:
- Over training creates stress;
- Stress triggers capillary chokes (See Oxygen Multistep Therapy)
- Capillary chokes limit blood flow, which in turn increases reliance on anaerobic metabolism
- Anaerobic metabolism increases accumulation of lactic acid in muscles and other tissues
- Excess lactic acid and vascular flow limits lock the metabolism anaerobic
- Resulting in increasing fatigue and discomfort as the season progresses.
VO2 Max — Protocol
- Exercise until pulse is greater than 120 beats/min
- Attach rich oxygen breathing tube
- Exercise for 15 minutes
- Repeat if necessary
This protocol normally resolves season fatigue within 1 session.
The release of lactic acid from tissues may overload the Cori Cycle. This may cause fast bowel for up to 3 hours after your session.