Ukrainian Hangover Meets ExtremeO2

Ukrainian Hangover Meets ExtremeO2™

Most pilots know that oxy­gen helps a hang­over.  We just opened the first hang­over cleanup ser­vice at the Oshkosh air show.  Our first cus­tomer — with a honk­ing hang­over — describes his expe­ri­ence.

I won­der how many of his friends we’ll meet today?

Most pilots know that oxy­gen helps a hang­over.  We just opened the first hang­over cleanup ser­vice at the Oshkosh air show.  Our first cus­tomer — with a honk­ing hang­over — describes his expe­ri­ence.

Avi­a­tors — we set­up a spe­cial site for you… It re-explains hypox­ia in a way that enables you to iden­ti­fy and man­age your per­son­al sen­si­tiv­i­ty.


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