Today we put ExtremeO2™ to the ultimate test — spiffing ultimate-competitors for the harshest ultra-marathon in the world.
Leadman is the official name for an ultra marathon in Leadville, CO. Super-hardcore blow off the same-day Pikes-peak marathon, only 26 miles — as a jog in the park. Which this year was scheduled the same day.
The big prize here is a gold belt buckle — for those who cover 100 miles in under 25 hours.
About 9 out of 10 of these folks scored 6+ on the sore leg scale. We tested the combination of ExtremeO2 — to clear lactate, and Magnapulse, to address tissue trauma.
When these guys & gals found out we could clear leg soreness in about 12 minutes — they lined up. Most of the day we had six or more standing in line.
This is the pre-run cleanup. Shawn rated his fatigue and leg discomfort at 6–7 two days prior to the big race. We worked with him for 15 minutes — and then checked in after 8 hours to confirm the results stuck.