These protocol aids an athlete to prepare for competition, and to reset metabolism post performance to reduce recovery time.
This protocol improves is a very good pre-performance warm up. It can anytime up to 24 hours prior to competition. It does not create fatigue.
Pre-Performance Goals:
Maximum blood oxygen status in preparation for performance to maximize oxygen reserve for aerobic resilience:
- Open all capillaries for optimal blood delivery to muscles;
- Restore blood flow to muscles likely inhibited by prior training or performance;
- Maximum saturation in extra-cellular body compartments to maximize connective tissue resilience to minimize injury vulnerability.
Pre Performance Protocol:
- Fill the oxygen reservoir (don’t connect oxygen yet)
- Put on the mask and connect to the oxygen and warm up to target pulse rate**
- Exercise for 6 minutes without increasing resistance
- Do the following steps 3 times
- Switch to high altitude and begin 30 second sprint
- First 15 seconds — high altitude then switch to high oxygen for 15 seconds
- Recover on oxygen
- Do legs feel better than before if yes? go to a
- If legs do not feel better goto 6
- Stop exertion at 12 minutes
- Continue breathing oxygen until pulse drops 100 bpm.
** Target pulse rate is usually (.7 x (220 = age)) — a good aerobic pace