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ExtremeO2 Home Installation

This instal­la­tion requires a sec­ond con­nec­tion to the high alti­tude con­nec­tion to the con­cen­tra­tor.
Please use the LiveO2® instal­la­tion to set­up the oxy­gen sys­tem. The instruc­tions for ExtremeO2 are iden­ti­cal.
ExtremeO2™ Instal­la­tion — PDF Man­u­al Ver­sion 2

This is the high altitude outlet on the ExtremeO2 home.  Insert the like  tube from the reservoir into the white fitting.

ExtremeO2 home High alti­tude out­let.

Connect the High Altitude Reservoir

The high alti­tude reser­voir is in the low­er cor­ner of the large reser­voir. It has a 3/4 clear or nylon rein­forced com­ing out the cor­ner. This tube attach­es to the the high alti­tude source of the reser­voir.

Insert the 3/4 inch nylon tube from the reser­voir into the white fit­ting on the back of the con­cen­tra­tor.  It is the only plas­tic that will fit here.

Mount the Oxygen/Altitude Control Switch

Now attach the alti­tude con­trol  switch to your exer­cise equip­ment using the enclosed zip ties.  Best prac­tice points the mount the cable away from the exer­cise equip­ment and toward the reser­voir.  This usu­al­ly places the ‑O2, red, at the top and the +O2, green, at bot­tom.

Best practice for mounting altitude control switch.

Best prac­tice for mount­ing alti­tude con­trol switch at the bot­tom.


Usage and install Notes:

  • The high alti­tude com­part­ment vents through a zip­pered open­ing.  A ful­ly closed zip­per will cause leak­age that will dilute oxy­gen.  This issue was cor­rect­ed. If you have an old­er ver­sion, pri­or to Jan 2014,  please con­firm this zip­per is not closed.
  • Always fill the reser­voir with the switch in the low alti­tude posi­tion, ‑O2, red, posi­tion.  This blocks the oxy­gen valve and pre­vents oxy­gen from escape dur­ing reser­voir fill.
  • It should take approx­i­mate­ly 1 hour to fill the oxy­gen reser­voir with a 10 liter oxy­gen gen­er­a­tor.
  • The high alti­tude seg­ment of the reser­voir should refill about every 10 sec­onds.
  • If your sys­tem is ful­ly filled oxy­gen filled, then pres­sure in the high oxy­gen com­part­ment may dilute the high alti­tude air.  If your alti­tude is not as dif­fi­cult as it seems it should be, switch to oxy­gen for 3 min­utes to drain and then return to alti­tude.


ExtremeO2 Install Manual

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