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Use this pro­to­col start­ing at least two weeks before you go to high alti­tude. The basis of the pro­to­col is to uti­lize pri­mar­i­ly exer­tion at sim­u­lat­ed alti­tude with low­er oxy­gen pres­sure to stim­u­late the body to adapt to high alti­tude.  Peri­od­ic expo­sure to hypox­ic train­ing trig­gers the body to adapt with var­i­ous mech­a­nisms.

The body gen­er­al­ly adapts by:

  • Cre­at­ing more Red Blood Cells
  • Improv­ing lung func­tion
  • Exer­cise Dila­tion of vas­cu­lar sys­tem to brain and oth­er regions in response to hypox­ic stress.

If you are over­ly sen­si­tive to alti­tude, this train­ing, absent oxy­gen, can pro­duce alti­tude relat­ed symp­toms.  The oxy­gen cool-down cre­ates an oxy­gen tide which repairs the alti­tude stress — but only after stim­u­lat­ing the body to pre­pare for high alti­tude.

  1. Set the sys­tem to high alti­tude (-O2)
  2. Exer­cise at moderate/strong pace for 15 min­utes
  3. At the end of the 15 min­utes increase to sprint for 30 sec­onds
  4. Switch to rich oxy­gen until recov­ered (+O2)
  5. Sprint on rich oxy­gen for 30 sec­onds
  6. Recov­er
  7. Sprint on rich oxy­gen for 30 sec­onds
  8. Recov­er and cool down on oxy­gen for 5 min



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