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Brain Fog

Brain fog is the feel­ing that your mind isn’t work­ing as well as it should.

It usu­al­ly means inflam­ma­tion is lim­it­ing oxy­gen deliv­ery with­in your brain.

Bruised Brain ?

Bruised Brain ?

In Jil­l’s case, three con­cus­sions bruised her brain.  Lin­ger­ing inflam­ma­tion lim­it­ed oxy­gen which reduced her brain func­tion.

To Jill — it was brain fog.  Neu­ro­log­i­cal tests showed her prob­lem was spe­cif­ic and that   ExtremeO2™ and PEMF, mea­sur­ably improved her brain func­tion very quick­ly.

This ther­a­py mod­el pre­sumes that inflam­ma­tion lim­its blood flow to the brain.  In Jil­l’s case — it was from a con­cus­sion, but can be caused by a range of stress fac­tors.

Her brain fog result­ed from inhib­it­ed cir­cu­la­tion to regions affect­ed by her con­cus­sions.  These regions remained at low ener­gy until cir­cu­la­tion was restored.  Her  “fog” — felt like an absence of  good men­tal per­for­mance.

The low-ener­gy regions usu­al­ly result from inflam­ma­tion that deliv­er blood and oxy­gen.  For Jill, this inflam­ma­tion was trig­gered by a bruise.  While the blood sup­ply is restrict­ed by swelling, the oxy­gen required to reverse the inflam­ma­tion can­not can­not reach the tis­sue.  This is why con­cus­sion symp­toms linger for years as inhib­it­ed neu­ro­log­i­cal per­for­mance.  This is also why “brain fog” from oth­er con­di­tions lingers.

Jil­l’s pro­to­col con­sist­ed of a stan­dard ExtremeO2 pro­to­col, 7 min­utes of rich oxy­gen, fol­lowed by about 2 min­utes of high alti­tude, fol­lowed by for 30 sec­ond high alti­tude sprints, and then recov­ery on oxy­gen.  We fol­lowed this with about 20 min­utes of PEMF ther­a­py to the mid-sides of the head and the back of the head.

The pro­to­col mod­el increased heart force and breath­ing inten­si­ty and trig­gered opened the vas­cu­lar sys­tem by hav­ing her exer­cise at sim­u­lat­ed high alti­tude (low oxy­gen) for two min­utes.  Next she switched to a very rich oxy­gen mix­ture while her body was adapt­ed to high alti­tude exer­tion.  The alti­tude to oxy­gen switch­es present a very ele­vat­ed oxy­gen burst exploit­ing res­pi­ra­to­ry tur­bu­lence to increase oxy­gen sat­u­ra­tion in the blood plas­ma.  When this lev­el exceeds 12 cc/L, the anti-inflam­ma­to­ry effect is imme­di­ate.

In this case, each of Jil­l’s 3 con­cus­sions dam­aged regions of the brain respon­si­ble for var­i­ous func­tions indi­cat­ed by the neu­ro­log­i­cal tests.

Psy­cho-motor per­for­mance — like­ly from the back of he head & var­i­ous cog­ni­tive func­tions cor­re­spond­ing to the mid-sides and top.  Her exem­plary rea­son­ing skills — remained intact, so she prob­a­bly nev­er bruised the front part of the brain.


The nat­ur­al ques­tion is “How long will it last?”.  The like­ly answer is until she gets anoth­er con­cus­sion.  The ther­a­py mod­el was designed to tar­get the brain.  In this case, use of 2 min­utes of high alti­tude air, cre­at­ed mild hypox­ic stress to trig­ger vasodi­la­tion.  Then the sprints to increase res­pi­ra­to­ry tur­bu­lence, and then rapid switch­es to high oxy­gen, served to deliv­er high pres­sure oxy­genat­ed plas­ma to turn off Arden­ne’s vas­cu­lar inflam­ma­tion.

The results below show sig­nif­i­cant improve­ments in cog­ni­tive func­tion.  Her video nar­ra­tive — describ­ing her before ther­a­py men­tal func­tion sig­nif­i­cant­ly dimin­ished is very con­sis­tent with the test results.  Note how she moved from severe­ly defi­cient — 1% per­centile — to above aver­age in all of the defi­cient cat­e­gories.

It seems like­ly that this func­tion­al restora­tion is like­ly to sub­stan­tial­ly restore her pre-con­cus­sion men­tal per­for­mance with­in a few ses­sions.


Before Concussion Protocol - note 7 extremely low scores.

Before Con­cus­sion Pro­to­col — note 7 extreme­ly low scores.

Two hours later — after protocol.

Immediately after protocol.  Note absence of low scores.

Imme­di­ate­ly after pro­to­col. Note absence of low scores.


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