Mark Squibb

Author's posts

ExtremeO2 Vocals — Glen Templeton

vo2 max training

Ever notice you can hear stress in some­one’s voice? This video illus­trates how plas­ma oxy­gen enhanced with ExtremeO2™ improves vocal cord elas­tic­i­ty, hence tone, range, smooth­ness.  Even though Glen Tem­ple­ton is an excel­lent pro­fes­sion­al vocal­ist — and he takes good care of him­self, you can still hear improve­ment in his vocal per­for­mance, after ExtremeO2. Glen’s …

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ExtremeO2 Guitar — Fred Boekhorst


Who­ev­er thought a gui­tar play­er could improve this much in 15 min­utes? Fred Boekhurst, from the Glen Tem­ple­ton Band, picks a hard gui­tar piece to illus­trate improved play­ing dex­ter­i­ty before and after a 15 minute ExtremeO2™ ses­sion. If you per­form for a liv­ing — then ExtremeO2 is your edge — no mat­ter what you do. …

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Altitude Effect with ExtremeO2

VO2 Max Training

VO2 Max Train­ing — Alti­tude Effect with ExtremeO2™ One of our Doc­tors asked: How does decreased O2 enhance the effect of high oxy­gen? Hypox­ic or high alti­tude train­ing is a well estab­lished method.  In sim­ple terms — inter­mit­tent hypox­ia trig­gers adap­tive respons­es that cause the body to opti­mize oxy­gen deliv­ery.  

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Dara Torres — 2nd Race Fresh

Dara Torres

Dara Tor­res eval­u­ates of how ExtremeO2™ improved her 2nd race per­for­mance at the Nation­als in Atlanta. She used ExtremeO2 to fresh­en up after the first race, 10:00 a.m. in Atlanta to pre­pare for the sec­ond race at 7:00 p.m. She fin­ished bet­ter than expect­ed, 2nd place, in the Nation­als at Atlanta where she was ced­ed …

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Performance Fresh — Chris Thomas — 110m hurdles

Chris Thomas

Watch Chris Thomas go Per­for­mance Fresh with ExtremeO2™. Chris trains for the Olympic 110 m hur­dles. He describes his 20 minute train­ing expe­ri­ence before/after.

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Laurent Robinson — New Season Fresh

Laurent Robinson

Lau­rent Robin­son plays Wide Receiv­er Jack­sonville, FL. Our care pro­gram start­ed about Novem­ber 17 the year before he achieved near-super­s­tar sta­tus in Dal­las, and then moved to Jack­sonville with a whop­ping 32.5M con­tract. The issues we fixed pre­vi­ous lim­it­ed his per­for­mance With VO2 Max: A last-year ankle injury was sub­stan­tial­ly lim­it­ing sprint abil­i­ty. The ankle caused …

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Altitude Contrast™ and Season Fatigue

Alti­tude Con­trast™ Train­ing usu­all resolves sea­son fatigue in 1 fif­teen minute ses­sion. Detox starts by minute 3. This pre­sen­ta­tion dis­cuss­es the phys­i­ol­o­gy of why the sys­tem works.

Altitude Contrast™ Training

Alti­tude Con­trast™ Train­ing is a new train­ing method. The sys­tem uses alti­tude sim­u­la­tor to shift the ath­lete from low to high and back again to stim­u­late detox­i­fi­ca­tion and meta­bol­ic adap­tive reflex­es. Test Data so far sug­gests: The sys­tem deliv­ers at least five times the tis­sue oxy­gen sat­u­ra­tion lev­els avail­able with soft-side hyper­bar­ic cham­bers (Obser­va­tions sup­port …

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