Dara Torres — 2nd Race Fresh

Dara Tor­res eval­u­ates of how ExtremeO2™ improved her 2nd race per­for­mance at the Nation­als in Atlanta. She used ExtremeO2 to fresh­en up after the first race, 10:00 a.m. in Atlanta to pre­pare for the sec­ond race at 7:00 p.m.

She fin­ished bet­ter than expect­ed, 2nd place, in the Nation­als at Atlanta where she was ced­ed 4th.  She attrib­ut­es the bet­ter-than-expect­ed fin­ish to com­bined sup­port from ExtremeO2 and Mag­na­Pulse ener­getic sup­port between her races.


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  1. […] When the High Park fire burned my house, I couldn’t get to the Olympic tri­als in Oma­ha.  We used lac­tic-flush pro­to­col to wash out lac­tate and release per­for­mance waste between her races. […]

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