Altitude Effect with ExtremeO2

VO2 Max Training

High Alti­tude

VO2 Max Training — Altitude Effect with ExtremeO2™

One of our Doc­tors asked: How does decreased O2 enhance the effect of high oxy­gen?

Hypox­ic or high alti­tude train­ing is a well estab­lished method.  In sim­ple terms — inter­mit­tent hypox­ia trig­gers adap­tive respons­es that cause the body to opti­mize oxy­gen deliv­ery.  There are sev­er­al known, and prob­a­ble reflex effects that occur to enable the body to oper­ate in pro­longed reduced oxy­gen envi­ron­ments:

  • Pul­monary Adap­tive — Open Lung pas­sages
  • Vas­cu­lar Adap­tive — Exer­cise vasodila­to­ry reflex­es

In sim­ple terms — I think it:

  • Dumps the spleen — increas­es cir­cu­lat­ing blood vol­ume
  • Opens the lungs — increase lung capac­i­ty
  • Increas­es heart rate — more veloc­i­ty & pulse pres­sure in lungs — greater tur­bu­lence
  • Increas­es res­pi­ra­to­ry rate — High­er phys­i­cal pres­sure in lungs

So these effects cre­ate a form of res­pi­ra­to­ry iner­tia.  When com­bined with a rapid switch to rich oxy­gen — serve to deliv­er an even high­er con­cen­tra­tion of oxy­gen to tis­sues.  This mod­el is con­sis­tent with many obser­va­tions.

Fur­ther Read­ing:


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